How To Shop Like A Pro: Closets are a Tool Box, Not a Junk Drawer

Posted by on Jun 18, 2019 in fashion, style, Style Signature | No Comments

Isn’t that the absolutely to-die-for shirt you needed, under that pile of clothes over there on that chair? Or better yet, in a floor-drobe pile? In fact aren’t all of these the ones you had to have? I don’t care what you do, but what you do is providing the funds for that pile of clothes being affected by gravity and disinterest. Disrespecting money is the fastest way to big credit card bills and tons of nothing to wear. Think of it as an energy exchange, like a current. Your currency isn’t connecting, there’s no graceful finish to the transaction. Pretty much disappointment and reckoning are the loop created.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho It’s Off To Work We Go
We exchanged the money we’ve created for those clothes, accessories, products or other personal appearance items. The intended results are, you’ll appreciate your purchase, you’ll maximize the value of it by using it up while loving every minute of it. In fact upon retirement, as they ripped it from your vice like grip, mainly because no one can stand to see you in it anymore, you grieve. Those are pieces you love. That pile in front of you represents the need for more information about what you’re doing.

Three Steps To A Value Driven Wardrobe.
Before You Buy:
• Think about what you already have to that works with it. What’s the outfit? If it doesn’t really work with anything you already have, how much are you willing to spend to make a satellite outfit? One all to itself, no integration. Instead of, the ever affable piece that likes to party with most everything in your closet.
• Does it fit? No, really, does it? Can you move, can you sit down, can you reach up? What can you do in it? What do you anticipate doing in it and does it accommodate that movement?
• Do you love it? Really love it, enough to mourn its loss?

Stop, Think, Love

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