How to Shop Like a Pro: Everyone Loves a Deal

Posted by on Jul 7, 2019 in fashion, style, Style Signature | No Comments

‘Tis the season for bargains! It’s the time of year to purchase low-use but high-impact items at great prices. Some categories to consider filling:

Suiting: You’ll find low prices on suiting or tailored separates. Look for an all season fabric, like worsted wool in an unusual, attractive color. It’s hard to remember someone if everyone wears grey. Some of my favorite sites are,, and
Special Events: Sometimes events can catch us off guard, time to pick up a classic look that doesn’t hurt to have hanging around. Silk ties, pocket squares, and socks of high quality can take a suit many different places for a modest transformation fee.
Leather Goods and Carry-Alls: Good bags come in all sizes. Look to replace tired ones with quality goods. Think of them as the expressive tool you chose to empower your lifestyle.
Shapewear, Exercise Clothes, Comfy Clothes: Never hesitate to update these when the price is right.

Knowledge Is Power
Know the return policy for each place of purchase. Your prize may not work once you hang it in your closet. Does it look out of place at home? What if the color doesn’t quite work with anything you have, how much will it cost to make it work? You can easily quadruple your deal” buying additions for it. While you’re still standing there deciding, try to think of three outfits you can make with your “find” before you find yourself coming back to return it.

Time is a Valuable Resource
To find a treasure, you have to have the time to dig, to sift through all has-beens until you find what you didn’t know you were looking for but is just perfect. It still takes hours to find what fits, flatters and stays true to your personal style. Those are the real deals.

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